Latin ob portu
Big Opportunities.
The word opportunity harkens back to a world of harbors and sailing vessels. Before the chug of an engine could power a boat to safe harbor, sailing ships had to sit outside of port waiting for the right wind and tide conditions to carry them and their wares to their destination. These conditions were called ob portu, Latin for “into port.” The perfect mix of tide and wind conditions came to be called opportunity.
Ask around today and many would say that the opportunity was the port itself—the market awaiting the goods—the people with unmet needs, wants, and desires creating demand for new products from distant lands. At the other side of the world, the maker of the goods that became cargo may have viewed the opportunity as the chance to invent something new, perhaps using a new technology to create superior goods, which in turn spurred new demand. The people of that time saw it differently. To them the opportunity was about the conditions that brought the cargo and the port together.
Opportunity Thinking® Principle
Leave out one of these and your ship won’t be coming in!

This simple formula is the backbone of opportunity. All three must be present to have a strategic opportunity that will produce growth.
Opportunity =
Need + Value + Conditions

Opportunity is found in the changing conditions
The changing conditions — new headwinds and tailwinds — create opportunity. But which conditions should you watch?
Your organization and opportunities are a system made up of markets, functions that serve them and external factors. New opportunity is discovered when you look at change across all of these and their intersections.
Opportunity Thinking® Principle
Opportunity exists at the intersections

Opportunity combines:
- the needs of a receptive audience,
- the capabilities to create value, and
- the conditions that bring them together.
All three are required to achieve revenue

Opportunity combines:
- the needs of a receptive audience,
- the capabilities to create value, and
- the conditions that bring them together.
All three are required to achieve revenue
The originator of
Opportunity Thinking®
You can kill an IDEA... but you can’t kill an OPPORTUNITY!™