Growth & Innovation Strategy
Do you align your strategy around your functions and current markets...
missing the bigger opportunities?
What we do
Corporate / BU Growth Strategy
Getting breakthrough growth is hard! We find the greatest growth comes when we find and focus on big opportunities that cut across the functions, markets, and technologies. We build corporate growth strategies that map those big opportunities to where you are differentiated and show how you can Build / Borrow / & Buy to fulfill them.
Innovation Strategy
How do you balance the short- and long-term investments, across the Horizon 1, 2 & 3 to maximize innovation impact? Our approach provides an overarching set of opportunities that optimizes innovation efforts, drives fewer bigger initiatives and provides multi-generational plans that anchor growth in opportunities not one-off ideas.
Platform Strategy
There are a lot of different types of growth platforms that extend across a BU or enterprise. You could be leveraging your brands, technologies, business models, product forms or sustainability initiatives. In all of these you want to integrate efforts across the organization, reduce duplication and get to bigger outcomes.
Hero Projects & Accelerated Opportunities
Identify Hero projects that drive breakthrough by innovating in new ways, including deep cross-functionality, vetting platforms and ideas with the ecosystem and build-test-build the strategy prior to prototyping.
Go get the bigger opportunities
- stop messing with the small ones!
People define opportunity differently and have siloed and competing priorities
Growth stalls when opportunities are seen as core VS stretch and pendulum swings between the two leads to a lack of resolve
Too many 0pportunities have been explored before and lack fresh insight into new needs, value propositions and conditions
What we deliver
They exist! Opportunites that leverage all of who you are
Overarching framework
Rallying around a single view of the future and opportunities unites the org for towards playing in new places with new capabilities
Balance &
Defining opportunities that map onto the DNAs and Ambitions creates balance & stretch while ensuring the org reaches its North Star
Voice of the Ecosystem, rather than Voice of the Customer, reveals new opportunities and new ways to shape them to fit who you are
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with us!
With many ways to engage, you can choose what works best for your team.
1/2 - 1 Day Session
Opportunity Strategy
Don’t give us a scope of work quite yet!
- We are not in a rush to get a project!
- Our biggest impact is when we build a relationship before we pursue an engagement. It helps us design the right work.
- Our client relationships are over 10 years on average
- Give us your toughest challenges and let’s figure out whether we are the right company to work with
Let's just talk
Send us your email and we'll be in touch.